Tuesday, August 21, 2012

500 Days of summer VS. 770 days of agony

500 Days of SUMMER----To be honest I don't really liked that film but somehow, somewhere deep inside my inner core (That's kinda weird actually) something tells me that it isn’t a bad film after all.

"500 days of summer tells us about love between two human beings who once adored and charmed each other but their unnamed or unexplained relationship wither as time passes by."---That was just a personal opinion about the movie though, but I think that was or “is” the world's meaning of reality. Time is always an issue that would either break or make any real-ationship.

Is time really that important? Can it really make or break any relationship that a person has? I thought these kind of things only happens in movies. The boy will go away, the girl will be left behind and then either of the two will have a miserable life and then at the climax of the story the characters will decide to move on and reinvent their lives. And then, after 2, 3 or 4 years they will see each other and then its like they rode a time machine that turned back time to when their love all started. Those times when they were friends and fell in love. Their first valentines, christmas, birthdays and anniversary together. Times when they use to sit along-side and gaze at each other’s eyes and tell how much they deeply love the creature opposite them. After they reminisce their times together, they will kiss and then they will live happily ever after.
(SUPER MAINSTREAM ‘someone’ would definitely say.)

HOW ABOUT THIS STORY? A girl and a boy met each other at a very “untimely” moment? The situation isn’t really like a fairytale or “the love at first sight” thingy because they didn’t practically fell for each other instantly. The Guy (being a fickle minded one) liked another girl but end up with a different girl. The different girl unintentionally made the guy fell for her (at least that’s what she’s told) at a short period of time. The different girl and the Guy didn’t have so much in common but they loved each other. To make the story even more complicated “THE GUY” will leave her in about a month or so. The Different Girl’s world was crashed and she can’t do anything about it but to bare 770 days of agony and despair away from the GUY she loves.
(The question is, can they make it? If you are the writer or the director of the film how can you make the story work? It’s not like “DEAR JOHN” of Sparks for the love of the world! THE GUY AND THE DIFFERENT GIRL hasn’t spent lots of memorable times together to have the TIME MACHINE kind of moments… They will be apart for a very long time with very little memories in hand…Can they make it?)

Well, if I am going to continue writing that story I will do anything in my capability to make their love story work. I will write day in and day out, revise, proofread and if I have do it all over again… I WILL! Just so I can make their story prevail in all time.
770 days of agony will be a story much more romantic than twilight. Much more magical than Harry Potter series, more adventurous than Dan Brown’s novels and will try to be more inspiring and loving than Coelho or Sparks’ masterpieces.

I may sound ridiculous and dreamy in that perspective. But being in love is not about making their story perfect. It’s about making their story work even with unimaginable inspirations and materials. If in the story of 500 DAYS of SUMMER, the relationship didn’t work as expected, doesn’t mean that all love stories should end up tragically. Even if movies and novels keep insisting that love will fade in time, doesn’t mean that we all should give up trying. Even if time and distance is the great enemy, doesn’t mean that we should always raise the white flag and make ourselves prisoner of loneliness. Love doesn’t count miles or hours apart. Love counts on faithfulness and honesty.

Maybe while you’re reading this you’re expecting more of a critique for the movie 500 days of summer. But I am sorry to disappoint you and your expectations, because this is a love story bound to be told and I am just making a POINT.

 “500, 600, 700 , 800 or 1000 days… IT DOESN’T MATTER! Yes many things can happen! Many things can change. But true love should never be affected by NUMBERS”--- Christine Isabel Donato. (It feels unethical to quote something you’ve personally wrote… But what the heck! IM IMMENSELY INSPIRED, IN LOVE and EXCITED TO FACE THE PRESENT and THE FUTURE hahahaha)  

Thursday, July 19, 2012

My First Formal Job @ SLINGSHOT

After a month of career hunting and endless phone calls, e-mails and DISAPPOINTMENTS. I finally found a job that is most likely not my "thing" but turned out to be a total F-U-N and exciting JOB! :)

Yes! you've read it right. I already left an early indie film career and tried honing some of my skills in a creative agency like SLINGSHOT DESIGN STUDIO. :))) Wondering what kind of work Im in? Don't be surprise.... promise???

OKAY! Here it goes... I am an account executive/ coordinator @ Slingshot Design Studio Inc.

Well, my first week at work was already a crucial situation because the company is meeting deadlines  from different clients and creating Final Artwork and such. But, my work mates were very supportive and friendly that they are guiding me every step of the way.

credits to ATE KAREN : "Thanks for patiently teaching me the so-called paperworks... Your such an angel"

Let's get back to my story!

I have learn lots of things... When i say "lots", it really means a lot my dear friends. I don't know if Im over reacting but those things that I have learn for a week doesn't even taught in my previous school/ university (or maybe im not listening to my professors).

Things I've learn in a week's time:
1. How to fill up a transmittal form.
2. How to create a contact sheet in ADOBE BRIDGE
3. How to use illustrator properly
4. How to photocopy and scan
5. How to create a schedule sheet for a shooting
6. How to create S.O and J.O for billing
7. How to create a copy for the client's products (P.S. should be generic, easy to read, understandable and short)---  this for me is very hard because I like fancy words and doodly word stuffs.
8. How to talk with a graphic artist
9. How to properly proofread
10. How to tell the artist the proofread copy/material

SEE!!! I've learn a lot... ( Im being redundant)
And the most exciting part ladies and gents! It was my first time to be in a shooting with an air-condition. If you have read my past blogs, my experience in indie film was quite exhausting because of the location and the temperature. But don't get me wrong, that experience was very rewarding and a treasured moment. 

These are some pictures from my first formal job:

THIS WEEK IS A FULL AND FUN WEEK! Can't wait for the coming days, weeks, months and hopefully years. 

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Living: "what you WANT VS. what you NEED"

What are your dreams when you were a little boy/ girl?
       Does it changed when you got older?
             Have you tried or even dare to pursue those dreams?
                    Have you/ we done enough to say that we TRIED?


Experiences, dreams and goals are words that are expected to be co-related and somehow hitting a similar or a single point in our lives. 

Since God created our lives as a gift, He gave us freedom to manipulate and drive our own destiny to wherever and whatever we wish to be. But the road to the future isn't really making it easy. 


Probably 5 years old to 11 years old.......

Our parents would be excited and tried telling us that if we really want to reach our dreams, we should never stop fighting for it because everything is possible. Then, starting from that day you told them you wanted to be a doctor, lawyer, scientist or an astronaut they worked for hours and hours a day. They were hoping that they can help reaching your dreams if they can earn that money to support it. 

11 years old to 17 or nearly 18 years old....

As we started growing up and being exposed to media, entertainment and technology thus the plans regarding the future changes. Rock star, Pop star, model, singer, musician or a dancer are assembled almost immediately like the stage of puberty. Young girls wished to be a lingerie, bikini or a clothing models so they would fall into crazy diet procedures. Young boys would drink and smoke because they thought that all rock stars are into that stuffs. Dreams being altered because of the environment or being replaced because of the trends or demands of this generation we have. Don't get me wrong, models and stars are great dreams and a good resource of money! The point is, do we really dreamt of being a star? Or we are just being pushed  on what our society define as COOL!

18 years old to early twenties....

In this stage, we realize that the first two stages above is somewhat far-fetched and unrealistic. So many things happened, choices were made, situation changed and opportunity passed so quickly that we haven't even got the chance to chase. Keeping your dreams behind and living life for the sake of surviving that's what left. We even tried going back to the dreams we created when we are 6 years old, but its almost close to  the "ITS ALL TOO LATE" kind of things. 


ALL THINGS ARE GREATLY BOUNDED BY IMPOSSIBILITIES. We may not reach our dreams, but somehow along the way we manage to collect new ones. We may live a life based on what is needed rather on what we really wanted, but LIFE IS TOO SHORT TO DWELL ON WASTED THINGS. It is not bad to live a career or a life because of the urge of need... maybe it is a realization that "it" is also what we want. Dreams are picture we drew in our hearts that may be erased and crumpled through time, but it is our choice if we want to treasure it or dump it. We are humans! We are capable of failure and defeat, but the one who created us is not a WEAK AND A DISHONEST GOD! He is a great planner and a protector. So, we must not give up just because we didn't get or achieved what we want. 

It shouldn't be a WANT versus a NEED....


GROWING UP is all about ACTING UPON DECIDING while GIVING OUR BEST and not regretting for TRYING. 

Friday, June 29, 2012

Shoot with Chammy (My second photoshoot)

It took decades for me to upload these photos... But I'm glad I did.. (Laughs)
Well, to be honest I am not quite confident with it, but I am learning and trying my best my dear fellow bloggers and readers! So, skip the expectations and just critique my works. NEGATIVE AND POSITIVE ONES ARE VERY MUCH WELCOME.

Model: Kris Annabelle Del Agua
Photographer: ME
Stylist: ME
Make-up artist: ME
( I don't have a budget for a staff so I did it by myself) hahaha


Sunday, June 24, 2012

Memories in a Box

While I was cleaning my room I've come across to some old letters I received during my elementary, high school and college days. My dad would definitely say that it is just going to be a bulk of trash in my room and I should dispose it as soon as possible. But, I decided to keep it or maybe try to reminisce and visit that road down to MEMORY LANE.

Since I am the only girl in the family, I never felt what it is like to have a younger or an older sister. And so I was excited when I got into college and have the opportunity to stay in an all female dormitory. I told myself that I can't wait to get close to them and share secrets with them, which I haven't experienced because all my brothers would be so disgusted for sure.              

 It was really a blessing to have room mates who are christians, passionate and on fire to serve and to praise God. Through their never ending support and encouragement, my walk with Christ is now a lifetime bliss.

THESE ARE THE LETTERS THEY GAVE TO ME AFTER I TOOK MY VICTORY WEEKEND!!! Victory weekend was my life-changing experience that totally woke me up from 
the harsh lies that the world engaged me in. 


 These letters are from Rachelle and Rose anne. We were tasked to give a christmas card to whomever we want in our Spanish class. They both decided to give me their creation and I felt special! Even though its an assignment I was thankful that they chose me to be the lucky receiver (hahaha). THEY ARE SUCH SWEET GIRLS and I treasure them deep in my heart. Upon seeing these cute letters I almost cried because I miss them so much, especially when we talk while Senior Escoda is lecturing in our Spanish Class and then get frustrated 'cause we don't understand any of his talks (or should I say SERMONS). We always end up listening to each other's sentiments and try to give advices that we ourselves cannot apply to our own selves. HAHAHA! Ironic isn't it. BUT I LOVE THESE GIRLS AND I MISS THEM SO BADLY.

Awww.... These are also my girls VIRA, HAZEL and JM. They are my close friends during first year college and second year. But schedules got into our way and we kinda go our separate ways, new "barkada", "groupie" or whatever you wanna call it. They gave me this letter on my 18th birthday but Jm failed to attend  my party (was a bit hurt but of course its all gone now). These girls taught me so many things about life especially when it comes to friendship. They made me realize that friendship is never about the proximity or the time we spend with each other, but rather a time when we aid a friend in need, sharing both happiness and loneliness without regrets and loving a friend sincerely that  no words can ever express. We might not get along sometimes but these girls never failed to make me feel that I am loved! :)


I received this poem last year on my 19th birthday, from my co-inter Mhel Lopez. A very kind, sweet and smart guy who is also shy but funny when you get to know him. This poem is excellent! Maybe he can be a playwright or a great writer someday! HAHAHA GO,GO, GO! This poem made me feel appreciated and I am very grateful and honored that some people sees my potentials and my unique individuality. 

" I still have lots of letters in my memory box, but I don't want to cry like a baby. So, to all those people who once received letters from friends, family and loved ones... Keep it and you'll never know, maybe someday it may strike something very important in your heart and remind you to keep following your dreams because some people actually believed in you. Someday you're going to remember all those people who have faith in you more than you have faith in yourself. It wouldn't hurt to be all mushy and sentimental, its a memoir that reminds us that we are loved despite our imperfections"

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

The Experience: POSAS (Shackled) a film by Lawrence Fajardo

Today, he regains his Freedom...

              On July 19, 2012, Cinemalaya will be showcasing different films made by talented directors, writers and actors. One of these films is Posas (Shackled) written by Zig Dulay and Directed by Lawrence Fajardo. Starring: Nico Antonio Bares, Bangs Garcia, Wendy Valdez, Art Acuna, Susan Africa, Nor Domingo, Jake Macapagal and John Lapus. All of these great artists gave life to different roles that made the film undeniably one of the most awaited film to be shown in the Cultural Center of the Philippines.

             The director of this film is also our director in AMOK during my internship in Pelikulaw productions. Direk Lawrence Fajardo won many films in the past years. His 2005 short film Kultado won the special Jury Prize in Cinemalaya 2005 and the best short film Award of the Gawad Urian. His first full film feature was "RAKET NI NANAY", a cinemaone original in 2006 where it got the best editing and sound awards.

Direk Law's fierce look

I am very honored to have worked with him as well as the cast and the crew. I have never been a patient/diligent/stress fighter kind of person but because of the AMOK and POSAS experience, I have developed a character that I never imagined I would possess.


After the long hours of lack of sleep, stress and pressures... FINALLY!!! The cast party took place to refresh and relax everyone. Attended by the casts and the crew, we ate and then chatted like we're not tired and just want to paarrrttttyyyyy all night and have fun.

Cindy the make-up artist(left), Zig Dulay(center)
Sir Ron, Sir Jimbot, Sir Max, Sir Philip (from left to right)

We might not appreciate them, but they are the people who works behind the camera. At least we get to know them here in my blog.

      Well, I also work behind the camera....
                AND I AM PROUD OF IT 

Me (with a big smile) and the staff.

Me (trying to be cute) and the staff (party people).

It's not my debut. It just happen that almost all the staff are boys.
I had a really nice time working with these people. It's true that you never got tired if you like what you are doing. And this is an evidence to that statement. I now dream to be a film maker someday, I don't know how or when to make it into a reality but one thing is for sure, I'll make it one step at a time and figure it out soon. There are still years ahead of me and I still got a lot of things to learn. (maybe I can learn from them)---whew! an instant God-given inspiration.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Jayeslee's concert in Manila

Jayeslee Live in Manila
The twin sisters Sonia and Janice Lee are going to tour Manila on 21st of June 2012 (Thursday).  The twins, a fully blooded Koreans who livein Sydney, Australia made their debut in the music world last 2008 through YouTube  under the account name of Jayeslee(combining their nicknames) and made 12 million hits on the song “Officially Missing you” cover.
Having incredible voice and guitar talent, the road to stardom wasn’t far-fetched for these talented ladies, because in 2010 they had their debut concert in LA. Since then, the duo have already pursued their career and toured in different parts of the world. Who would believe that once upon a time they were just sharing their talents for free in youTube. After a few years they are no longer just performing inside their bedroom singing, THEY ARE NOW STEPPING INTO CONCERT STAGES, PERFORMING AND SELLING TICKETS WORLDWIDE. Janice and Sonia have made appearances in various radio/television shows throughout Asia such as “Day Day Up”, “E! News Asia”, “Quickie” and the “MTV show. A modern Cinderella story some might say.
The two really have inspired lot of people through their voice, faith and undeniably charming personalities. So, Let us not miss a fairytale like experience! Don’t forget to watch JAYESLEE On June 21, 2012 (Thursday) 7:30pm at 3rd Floor Robinsons Forum (Pioneer). Be mesmerized!

Tuesday, June 12, 2012


Where else can you find a Catholic country in Asia that says “Beware of pickpockets”directly inside and beside churches? A sign saying “Full string to stop driver”, “No Stambay”, “For sale gift raffer” (wrapper) and “Don’t close to me, Close to God”. Welcome to the Philippines where everything can be as unique and exquisite as a pearl, radiant like the rays of sun and may I say amusing like no other. They say language barrier can create discrepancies, uncertainty and confusion, but fortunately we Filipinos are very sharp and clever to adopt in our environment apart from being creative.

You can only see signs here in the Philippines that may look strange but nonetheless fascinating and attention-grabbing. For an instance, a carinderia’s name “cooking ina mo” and another carinderia across the street answering “cooking ina mo rin”. Try stepping a foot on a road with a sign insisting “Bawal tumawid nakamamatay” and realize your still alive and kicking. On a flower shop in Rizal Avenue saying “we sell ARTIFICIAL FRESH flowers”, in one of Baguio’s grocery store “Fresh frozen chicken sold here” and a van not for hire saying “not for here”ironic isn’t it?. Scribbled in the walls of men’s public toilet “Hawak mo ang kinabukasan”, and in the walls of the women’s toilet “Don’t sit like a frog, sit like a queen”. A convent in baguio assisting visitors by putting signs saying “2nd floor upstairs” then an arrow pointing up, jeepney drivers hanging sign boards with a statement “God knows hudas not pay”, “bayad muna bago baba”and other funny stuff that one filipino can think of.

In spite of those hilarious grammatical errors and wicked statement written on different kinds of signage, Filipinos today are reinventing words that may look like a bogus sentence structure but is actually a trend that becomes a business attraction all over Manila. There is the Tapsi-turbi canteen meaning Tapa, sinigang, turon and barbeque that serves as their specialty in their menu. Food establishments like Tom Cruz Grill, taste their food and grasp the sentiment of being a Hollywood action star like Tom Cruz. Delight yourself in Entertainment establishments like Let the “pun” begin, Beery Good, Obeer time and Bill Gets that gives you fun and relaxation joined together equals superb pleasure and enjoyment. Other people may see it as dim-witted and dull, but we are what we are! Witty, adept and at the same time insane and outrageous all packed in one, hate it? Well, wear out yourself hating because you can only see and laugh at these things only here in the Philippines.

written by: Donato, Ma. Christine Isabel R.

Monday, June 11, 2012

I'm Proud to be a Filipino

114th Independence day

 Two days ago, our Pambansang kamao lost a fight against Bradley that shocked everyone even those in the professional field of boxing. True enough, everyone believed that our champ was robbed and so as our pride as a Filipino, but we, as a supportive countrymen never failed to uplift each other and dream to regain our victory. I myself is not a fan of boxing but since a Filipino stands inside a ring and enduring punches that I have no idea how painful, I felt this urge inside me to become indulge and to be interested in a sport that I am not familiar at all. SEE!!! Because of one event Filipinos in every part of our country can be reunited.

Another is the Half Filipina who made into the Finals of American Idol, Jessica Sanchez. Many Filipinos got heart broken when she did not won the idol title despite her amazing and unbelievable talent. But again, we did not curse her for losing but rather support her even more and in every step of the way.

If I would be ask what is so special in being a Filipino? I would answer directly that " I am born in this beautiful and exquisite country surrounded by talented, kind and caring people that I can always trust and lean on". We are more than just a race, more than just people who live in the same territory, we are brothers not only by blood but also by pride and glory. God is a genius God, he didn't just made our country rich in resources but also rich with love and compassion for each other. SO LET'S ALL STAND and SHOUT THAT WE ARE FILIPINO. Love our own!

I may be writing this blog in English but more than language can define my love for my country my heart deeply says that I am proud to be a Filipino.

Happy 114th Independence Day guys!


Manny Pacquiao our CHAMP

Our Colorful jeepneys

Our delicious delicacies

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

OROS directed by Paul Sta. Ana

A film by Director Paul Sta. Ana...

A story of an illegal saklaan operation which is headed by Makoy the middle-man, his brother Abet the errand boy and Linda the home owner. Together they arranged a fake wake so that they can generate money in the saklaan that involves paying the barangay captain and police officers grease money (called biyak-biyak) to prevent them from impeding the saklaan’s continuous operation. Gamblers earn their keeps through various games of chance (tong-its, mah-jong and sakla). The consequences finally catches up and made Makoy, Abet and Linda's lives fall into ruin. 

(sorry for the synopsis, I made it my own based on the story hehehe)

--Please support this film and all the other indie films that will be shown in CCP for the 8th CINEMALAYA PHILIPPINE INDEPENDENT FILM FESTIVAL on JULY 20-29, 2012. Our production team made this movie and we hope you'll like it. (YES!!! you are right, I am part of the team who made this! YEY! so proud) hahahaha :)

Sunday, June 3, 2012

A certified alumna! FINALLY!

After four years of hard work and heartaches, finally I DID IT! If you'll ask me what I have learn during those four years in college? I would say, "I LEARN HOW TO BECOME INDEPENDENT... Yes, I have family, professors and friends around me but in reality I have to work for myself and they're only there to support my endeavors. Good thing there's papa GOD who gives me strength to keep me going.

This award is dedicated to my Big brother Bobby Ralp for supporting me throughout my college years. You are truly an inspiration. To my family, daddy, gabo, kuya jp, tito dan, tita lai, tita vic, tita mel, who also supported me and gave me reasons to strive and be the best that I can be. To the whole Donato, Juan, Celestino,Revilla, Cruz (my bestfriends family), Pargas- Del Agua (oyong and ate cham's family) and Torres (kuya ali's family) thank you for being an inspiration you're all a blessing from GOD and I will never stop thanking HIM for that. To my friends, rachelle, aldrin, rose anne, joel, jm, kuya ali, vira, hazel, the whole block 401 and masscom society in Adamson, whether good or bad memories I wanted to say that you're all for keeps! you're all the best! :)) I Love you all!!!

The reason behind my success is not my skills nor my "awesomeness" (HAHHAHA LOL JOKE). The reason why I survived my college days is because of my supportive family, friends and ofcourse GOD. I got hurt and failed so many times, but they were always there to tap my shoulders and tell me "EVERYTHING WILL BE ALRIGHT", even if wounds and scrapes from the harsh reality is evident in my being. You guys never gave up on me even though I myself is ready to give up on myself. That's why I wanted to thank you for being my inspiration in this dark and crazy world that keeps me moving on. I could never repay your love and all the hard works you put on just to help me finish my degree, but I promise you guys that I will do my best to succeed and be a daughter, sister, friend and classmate that you'll all be proud of. Thank you for riding with me in my journey, but this is not the end my dear... We are going to have a roller coaster ride and I would like you to accompany me! hahaha Again, I love you all and Thank you

I miss them so much!!! I miss school works!!! I miss those hectic schedules, those unending paper works, my crazy friends, and the "auras" @ Adamson University. Hahahaha :)))Lets paaarrrttteeeeyyy! 

Disclaimer: These scenes are not suitable for very young Audience, Parental guidance is recommended.

Ma. Christine Isabel R. Donato

“You spilled it!!! You get me another one!”  The little girl shouting
 “Well, Get up and try to get yourself another one!”
“But it might spill again…” The little girl replied.

Imagine a little girl crying over a spilled milk and his big brother laughing hard about it. The boy started teasing and the little girl continued cursing and crying.  We may judge the brother as evil and despicable and sympathize with the tenuous little girl who had her eyes flooding with tears. But when we look at the brother’s intention, he actually laughs uncontrollably not just because of the funny scene in front of him but because he thinks that it is silly to cry over a spilled milk whereas the little girl could probably stand and get another milk rather than wasting time in crying and blaming. 
We are like that little girl, anxious and weary, blaming and complaining. And as simple as the story goes, that’s how we treat life. We blame others for our misfortunes and pretend like it was never our fault. We cannot even survive a day without finding an excuse so that we can save ourselves from the shame of our real inadequacy. The safe zone is always our dwelling place and the risk zone is an impossible detour. We tried all the easy stuff and skip the hard stuffs; we pick the colorful stones and throw the dull ones. We dreamt of becoming a doctor or a scientist but our intellect says otherwise, so we end up choosing the second best or worst we choose the least best. We get tired and give up easily even if we are destined to do greater things. Everyone undergoes a process, a process that both requires and demands for patience and actions. And our patience fails because we do not appreciate hardships and ignore wisdom from errors. We count our mistakes rather counting our successes. We quit when TIME is opposing and we wait for another chance that is unsure to come.

A coach can never know which “game play” to perform without knowing the opponent’s strengths and weaknesses as well as their own weaknesses. Whether we like it or not, life is a trial and error. The tragic truth is that, we win some and then we lose some it’s just a matter of perspective because a true winner gains even if he loses. Blaming doesn’t make you look smarter and stronger; it only makes you look pathetic in so many ways. Admitting our weaknesses is never a sign of inferiority but rather a sign of nobility in identifying one’s self and glorifying God’s beauty and kindness. No one achieves greater heights in life without risking anything and believing in something. Sometimes when time gets tough we tend to give up and accept that life without hope and inspiration is a rubbish and meaningless life. But, amidst those tough times comes a brighter morning and despite frailty and doubts shines a wiser being.

Trials were not made to punish us but to mold us and equip us for a bigger plan. A life that is indescribable and unfathomable is a life full of disappointments and uncertainties. Sometimes in order for us to see the stars we should embrace the dark. And whenever we stumble and flop like the little girl, we need to listen to those taunting voices and turn it into our own offense.  Remember that if we fall three times we should stand up five times. Life is never easy and we have to keep on moving, because if we stop trying then we stop living.

First Photo shoot (but ofcourse I'm not the model)

Its my first photo shoot ever in my life! Special thanks to my models Nadine Mecate and the guy whom I don't know (sorry, I'll ask your name and promise to memorize it next time). At first Im quite skeptical and unconfident to do a photo shoot with my dorm mate Nadine because deep in my heart I know that I am just a beginner  who is desperate to be a so-called "PHOTOGRAPHER". 

Well, to be honest I never imagined myself a photographer because I'm a "photomyself: addict and loves taking pictures of myself and upload it to my facebook. But thanks to my loving big brother who bought me a dslr for christmas that made me want to take pictures besides myself. It gave me a new hobby! ahahaha...

NOW!!! I just don't want to be a simple writer. I want to be a WRITER/PHOTOGRAPHER/DIRECTOR in the future! I don't have a single idea how to become these three, but I'm sure gonna find out real soon!!! (pray for me guys... :-* )